[The Crafts Fair Online]
[Submit Your Site]

Listing your arts and crafts site is FREE!
Listing your site with The Crafts Fair Online could easily be the most important and cost effective step you can take to promote your site.

The Crafts Fair Online began back in 1995 as a way to bring together the many small arts and crafts sites for the benefit of all. As the web has grown it has become ever more difficult for small independent sites to avoid being lost in the crowd. Our directory provides an easy path for craft shoppers to find your site.

By virtue of our age and popularity, The Crafts Fair Online has high ranking in all the major search engines and regularly appears in the first page of results for dozens of search terms, providing us, and the sites we list, with a steady flow of visitors.

Here is what some of our listed sites have said-

"Thank you so much for listing my site. I have been receiving an amazing amount of traffic from it.

The Charm Barn

"The response to my site is outstanding. Thank you again for accepting me into your directory. I have had hits from so many people both in and outside of the United States that it has just blown me away."

Judith Lampton
Earrings By Judyone

"We are currently listed on your site and receive a good flow of visitors as a result."

Rob Jones
Specialist Crafts Ltd.

"I was just listed last night and already this morning I have had 8 people visit from my link on your Tole page. Even though they haven't ordered anything yet, it is more traffic and will help my standings in the search engines."

Ann Arnold
BLUEBERRY HILL, Tomorrow's Heirlooms

"I really enjoy being a part of the Crafts Fair Online, I get my majority of hits from you."

Susan Decker

"Your site is very impressive. Only google is generating more traffic for my site than craftsfaironline.com"

Harlan Nelson

Once your site is approved you will receive a lifetime alphabetical listing in the appropriate category and a second link at the top of the page showing your link as "New" for at least one month.

Before submitting, please be sure your site meets the following guidelines-

Before you submit your site be sure to "Like" us on FaceBook here-

Then go on to the submission form here-
Submit Your Site, Free

And you'll find more information about linking back here.

[The Crafts Fair Online]
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