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Craft business! (Read 13,847 times)
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 2
Craft business!
Apr 24th, 2017 at 6:44am
Hey all,
I have a craft shop. It is going in a good way. There is a large competition in the market, and I came to know that there is less increase in sales in the past few weeks. Customers might be attracted if they see something different in our store.

So I’m looking for a different way of advertising and my friend had suggested going for guerilla marketing. I didn’t know more about it. And I searched online for more on it and came to know that it would be a good way of advertising. People might be attracted and they might come to our shop.

But before I go for it, I want to know if this would be best for my shop. Has anyone had done guerilla marketing before? Please help me with this.
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