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The Difference between Gold filled and Gold Plated (Read 11,709 times)
Paul D. Mitchell
YaBB Newbies

Posts: 2
California, USA
The Difference between Gold filled and Gold Plated
Jan 15th, 2014 at 9:49pm
Gold plating is one of the cheap alternatives to buying real gold. One of the obvious benefits is that its cheaper and there is a large selection to choose from. Gold plating is the process of depositing a thin layer of gold usually on copper or silver. Gold plating will wear down fast especially if you wear your jewelry all the time. Gold plated jewelry has been know to turn fingers green due to the gold plating wearing off and the copper reacting with your body acid.

Gold Filled jewelry is another cheap alternative and a better choice for people who consistently wear there jewelry. Gold filled is a sheet of gold that is bonded to a jewelry item such as a ring or necklace. The FTC requires a stamp on all gold filled jewelry and must meet a set standard before stamped. Gold filled is often confused with Rolled gold plate and shouldnt be cause rolled gold plate is not as good and wont wear as well as gold filled jewelry.
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